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healing pack



- Intake

- Coaching

- 3 x RTT session (+/- 2 hours)

- 3 x personal recording 21 days

- Follow up 3 months

addiction pack 



- Intake

- Coaching

- 4 x RTT session (+/- 2 hours)

- 4 x personal recording 21 days

- Follow up 4 months 

trauma healing pack



- Intake

- Coaching

- 5 x RTT session (+/- 2 hours)

- 5 x personal recording 21 days

- Follow up 5 months

*1 pack includes: Intake | Coaching | 1 RTT session (+/- 2 hours) | 1 x personal recording 21 days | Follow up for  1 month and contact possible through whatsapp or email


This program / pack is created for anyone who is struggling with something that they would like to get rid of it.

In these 3 months you will feel a tremendous change inside yourself and these 3 months / pack will change your life in such a way.


I work with a combination of RTT, coaching, tools and experiences. In my experiences I learned that the combo of everything i am offering makes these changes and gets real solutions.

The Healing Pack is a 3-month journey in which you will tackle a deeply rooted problem to the core and transform it to get rid of it once and for all.

These 3 months are going to transform you deeply and bring you back into your power like never before! You will come closer to your true being, your true essence.

This pack is specially made for people who are ready to tackle that problem and make real results.

Book a free discovery call

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I created a formula for people who suffer from addiction this includes coaching, RTT, tools, my own experiences and healing journey from addiction / escapism.


Addiction is something that’s been very judged by society and people who don’t understand it. It takes you from a bad feeling to a good feeling even if its just for a few minutes. People who are in pain, who have experienced trauma are more likely to suffer from addiction.


Addiction is a response to human suffering ( pain, fear, people who have been traumatized as children, abused, …) Its an attempt to escape suffering temporarily.


What people need is not judgement but healing from trauma because addiction is all about trauma.


Are you ready to be free from addiction?

onscherpe Lichten


What is trauma?
A trauma is an unresolved past event. Have you experienced or seen something violent happen in the past or perhaps even recently? Such as abuse, loss of a loved one, , a toxic relationship, an accident, ...

After such an event you will be confronted with different emotions, such as sadness, fear, helplessness, guilt, anger.. This is normal and often these emotions will subside on their own. However, if the event continues to bother you, we speak of a trauma.
for example : an absent parent or not being loved as a child is also a traumatic experience and can have a majeure impact on a persons live.

Some examples of trauma:
• loss of loved one
• abuse (physical, sexual, psychological, ..)
• toxic relationships
• accident 
• suicide
• Childhood problems
• ... 

This can manifest itself in:
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Escapism
• Addictions: drugs, alcohol, diet ..
• Weight problems
• Low self-esteem
• Physical complaints
• Guilt / shame
• Anger


If you continue to suffer from trauma, it can have a huge impact on your life. 

With my TRAUMA HEALING method you will transform trauma and you will take back your power.
You will learn many tools how to deal with emotions & challenges in life.

We are going to get to the core of the issue and we are going to transform it in a fast and effective way.

A 5 month pack with high value and life changing results!

I'm in ! (link)


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